This IKEA rack folds down (for MrsHunter) so it could be out of the way, but that said, for it to be fully deployed, it would have to be mounted above the laundry sorter, which is fairly high? It's very strong but it would come out as far as the hanging rack if fully perpendicular, so I'd have to slide hanging things to the right and left of it. Gwiolo, I admit that I have a master's degree and still couldn't quite figure out the European pulley drying contraptions? Would it hang from the bar? I like the idea of not putting anything else in the wall but also couldn't figure out if that would take up all the space. Thanks, all - I still haven't made up my mind on this one - simply analysis paralysis! :( (Plastic pan is coming out from under washer and they are moving together, so a bit more space on the left of washer) Your thoughts? Yes, if where? And IKEA one below or any other suggestions? Or no, overkill? Thanks! but then they are in the middle of the wall and visible to the whole world?!ī) On wall beneath the hanging rack - it's wide enough that you could probably push hanging to one side and pop it out? Also hanging is far enough out that if we put little hooks on it and then used for lingerie, etc., it would be fine (and hidden!) Useful or a waste?Ĭ) Above washer itself? Way high then - would just leave open at top level, I suppose? Interferes with light from window, and am I really going to reach up there? Pic of the Ikea rack below - I'm thinking:Ī) On wall to the left of the washer, but then it would have to be high b/c otherwise you can't stand in front of the washer? That's useful if it's only up to the first or second tilt level but not really for laying anything flat? Can use for lingerie/bras, etc. We do use the rack that came with the dryer (attaches in the dryer for flat drying) and we have one from our last washer as well - pull them out and put on counter, but not my favorite thing to do.
#Houzz laundry room wall drying rack install#
We're just finishing our laundry room (pics below.) We having hanging storage (48" wide,) so I don't need any more of that - but I'm debating whether I should also install a fold down drying rack from IKEA - not sure if it's necessary or there is really an ideal place? On the other hand, drying is drying and useful!