This also makes Fedora an ideal place for Red Hat to put features through its own distinct set of tests and quality assurance processes, and those features eventually get incorporated into a version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Each of these contributors, including Red Hat, bring their own new ideas to be tested and debated for inclusion by the larger community into Fedora Linux. The Fedora project is the upstream, community distro of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux. Red Hat is the project’s primary sponsor, but thousands of independent developers also contribute to the Fedora project.

The direction of an enterprise distro is set by a vendor, based on the needs of their customers.
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A community distro’s direction is set by contributors, who choose and maintain packages from the wide variety of open source software options. The primary difference between community and enterprise distros is who decides what’s important to users. An enterprise-or commercial-Linux distro is available through a subscription from a vendor and does not rely solely on community support. A community distro is a free Linux distro primarily supported and maintained by the open source software development community.

Linux distributions are available as community versions or enterprise versions.